Stella Artois and BC society

Today is a lazy day for dog walking,.. Instead of having three walks by now, the dogs have had only two long ones. We will take another one around 6:30pm. I bought myself some stella artois beer to cheer myself up about my family memories of yesterday and this morning. I was not a wanted child, I know this. But they never learned to love me no matter what after bringing me into this world.Thinking about family memories makes me infinitely sad. So, I bought myself a six pack for the week. 

Walking the off leash path twice this afternoon brought me back into being in society. It is a very popular path and many people are on it with their dogs. It was interesting to chit chat with people today. So many different temperaments and views. It cheered me up immensely about everything. Life is tough for everyone. For me, it was a crazy upbringing and my subsequent difficulties with mental health because of it. But objectively, I am far from them now, being in BC.  And people are way more interesting than them around me here, then they were when I was young anyway. My upbringing broke me, broke my heart repeatedly and consequentely my mind. But we all have hardship. And life is very very interesting here and has been for many decades.  

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