Late afternoon

Despite getting up at 4am, the day passed by surprisingly Fast. Hubby was at the cafe all afternoon, reading. The dogs will LOVE their dog park today: they waited for it! I plan to walk Billy three times a day (down from 5-6) and Whiskey, twice a day (down from 3 walks a day), while hubby is In Aotearoa. It should work. Three to four times a day walks for Billy. And two for the old dog. The weather should get nicer too, as a friend remarked. So all should be well! I wonder if I will take a liking to BJG being away? It sure has been many years now. Since 2019. In September I believe. While his mother, Jennifer, was still alive back then. Things have changed down under with her passing and their moving down south. She became ill right after the move. How unfortunate!

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