Judy Mowatt is good company on a sunny afternoon!

Judy Mowatt is still singing. Only a woman, is the album, bought locally at the second hand shop, about 4 years ago. 

What are we going to eat tonight? Maybe shroom soup, if I can find the recipe again. It was darn delicious.  Wine, herbs, shrooms, onions etc. 

I missed my mum’s phone call yesterday. She calls more often now. I am getting news from everyone nowadays, even those I have not heard of from a long time, like Janine and Dennis. It sure is nice. 

Spring is truly here by now. April 6th, 2022. I hope there wont be a heat dome this year nor more floods. Om mani peme hung. May we all be protected from harm from climate change. And May peace prevail always in our heart and minds. Amen!

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