Talking heads on Radio Canada French radio are talking. They are talking about ‘caring’ and Covid. BJG has been at the cafe for three hours. 

I have received a long letter from my supporter in Austria and pen pal. He must have sent me 20 or so postcards over 3 years. And now, a long letter. I feel bad because I don’t have any new books to send him. I better send him a letter or a card. I sent a book, The flowers floating in your bloodstream, to my other poet friend in the US, Senor Plume. I hope he likes it. He should get it in the next two weeks. My good old lover K.D in India has received the erotica book but I have not heard from him. I sent him a crazy wisdom letterwith it, where I say his daughter will be the 15th dalaï lama. I was crazy, that is for sure! He does not have a daughter yet. 

I should send also a card to my parents. And another card to K.D to appease his worries about my mental health. And one to Alex, in Austria.