Writing this short poem (previous post) really put me in a better mood. I have harassed the editors who have my manuscript once more: no reply today. I am afraid they will drop me like a hot potato. Sigh. But I am happy nonetheless right now. I have plenty of smokes, it is beautiful warm rain outside, and hubby is at home.
The rain falls on the table
and splashes like a dozen ballerinas
I am inside, cozy and warm
Listening in on the news from the clouds above
It says we are in for some tough times
It also says life can seem very long sometimes
even if it is over quickly
The news are bad from the skies
the same skies as Ukraine
where thousands of civilians
are stuck without water and starving and without medication
Our sky is their sky too
but so far so different in its gentle ease here
May the rain bring them much needed water
May the peaceful cherubs play their best tunes to them
as bombs are dropped around
and children’s hungry screams are heard
May they find love in this chaos surrounding them
and the bravery to be peaceful in their mind and hearts
May they be fearless in their peaceful hearts
and may it rain for the thirsty
pure water from pristine skies
of land below and clouds above
I bow to the rain and do a dance
a bit like a ballet in my pjs
May Love cover us all
like being drenched in pure sky water
for the rest of our lives