Everyone is freaking out about the latest strike near Poland border of a military base target. It is getting worst every day. The Russians striked  a maternity hospital and a psychiatric facility. It is so very sad. Millions of people have fled and are seeking asylum. 

They are interviewing human rights activists from Moscow. It must be awful to be in russia. There is no democracy there. No freedom of speech. Because of Doctor Zhivago, I have grown up being fascinated by russia. There are certainly a harsh weather, harsh conditions, goulags history etc. I really loved Maxim Gorky for a while. His books The Lower Depths and Mother were read during the summer of 2002, while visiting Toronto during the week ends from McGill during the week. I would hang out at Cafe Diplomatico on College street, in little Italy. It was a very very good period in my life. I was finishing my BA, had gotten a new first dog, a rescue, and did a lot of hiking and winter sports such a snowshoeing.