I woke up dreaming about the war. Billy was with me in my room, on my bed. KUGS radio is still playing at this time. It truly is the better station and they play Democracy Now! With Amy Goodman. 

I so love the comfort of my queen size bed. First time in my whole life I have bigger than a double bed. It is very awesome. The music is playing, and I am not tired. What to write about this dawn?

This keyboard was given to me by my good sister. It seems to work very well with my parents’ iPad. How nice! 

I am thinking abut Ukraine. People are getting dehydrated in Mariupol and hungry. The city is besieged. I hope the fears of chemical weapons wont be a reality. Syria is very bad for that and it is a civil war backed by Putin. May all civilians feel fearless and strong in the cities of Ukraine. OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SVOHA