I just woke up at 10am with a beautiful sunshine and blue sky outside. It is gorgeous. I am fresh out of smokes and plan to avoid all marijuana today. 


I went to buy smokes and skipped the 11am walk. It is a beautiful day today. I slept over 10 hours. I sleep a lot these days. I don't know why I skip the walks when it is such beautiful weather out there: they are the highlight of the day!!! Laziness I suppose. It is a bit disappointing that I skip the morning walks! Especially when the weather is so pristine. 

I have decided I have become quite bad in the last few years. I used to enjoy strangers and small talk: I hate it now and would much rather put on a unfriendly face if I am feeling down than make small talk. I don't think that's right. 

It's 11:10am and I am still in my pj. I am really exhausted these days and sleep a ton. The nice weather helps the mood and resolve not to smoke pot. 

I look at our so called 'white trash' neighbour (he seems to be an excellent dad) and his 6 recreational vehicules that pollute like mad. He is washing them right now. He has many children with whom he is all day, playing outside. He is an odd character. They have  a dog whom they keep in their fenced yard and never ever walk.