I heard refugees including one woman who left her husband there, in Ukraine. She was in tears saying " I know we have a beautiful future together but it is a struggle'.

Hubby has not returned from his drink with someone from school. I hope he does not drink and drive. Maybe they will have food because it is darn late, almost 7pm.

The dogs must be taken out for their walk. They have had dinner. The jazz is playing, very mainstream, on CBC Music. I am agitated tonight. Worried about hubby's mental spirit. He is talking over beer with someone but I am afraid he will reveal too much to that student about his job. He so badly needs to talk with friends that he tells his most private life to strangers and regulars in the park during his dog walks. I don't think he has many friends he communicates with regularly online. And there is no one here in BC for either of us. 

I thanked my GP in an email today for his work he does with us all. He is one inspiring rock this doctor. I have insulted him for absolutely no good reason (I was stone and crazy) in email once or twice last year, but notably, he is still my GP and still wants to work with me after I have apologized profusely. He is ukrainian and very impressive. He works with the most disadvantaged populations and immigrants. I really wish I would know him well but as a GP he is also perfect.