I made a call for the servicing of our dryer tomorrow. A bird is singing. Life is still peaceful in this hood of BC. I slept without a sleeping pill last night, thank goodness. I am super worried about europe. This russian imperialism is so very scary in europe. I have drank my coffee and smoked a few cigarettes. I have to decrease my cigarettes: it is costing a fortune!
I had another happy dream this morning. But now I am sadder due to europe. I dreamed of war I think. And liberation.
The morning is grey but no rain so far or just a bit. I have already starved in 2005 and was weigthing 95 lbs at 5 foot 7. I have already been tortured in 2006. But what may come is even worst than all these put together. The scale would be vast. An dying of starvation takes forever. I was far from death at 95 lbs but I was skin and bones only.
Way back, when I thought the war was coming and I was living in psychosis, I thought my eyes would be gauged by russians for no reason. It is impossible to predict but starvation seems more likely.