If these creative rebirth stories pleased you, I hope they made you think also of eternity. Life is eternal. Life goes on even in death. For some, we go to paradise and never ever come back. For others, we enteer the void and stay there. For some others still, we are reincarnated after paradise. And for a friend of mine we are not even reincarnated on earth. That's his belief.
I think we have all lived well enough to understand how powerful life is when we are alive. We have been through hardships, some of us terrible ones, some have already known wars (immigrants) and some suffer from mental illness, physical illness, exterme poverty, isolation, lack of education etc etc. Yet all of us reading the news nowadays have survived all these. Me and my possies have. Everyone has survived suffering of some sort. It is to this power I direct you nowadays. Find life and cultivate it.