I am sipping a low alcohol radler drink to help me sleep tonight and relax my mind. My brain. I have zero energy, even writing is hard work right now. I got news from a  friend today who was sent home from his mailman job due to freezing rain  in Montreal, today. Nice. The sky is covered with clouds tonight as i saw when i went to get booze (radler and a mickey of baileys for hubby) and smokes. Very much zero energy tonight. I have been listening to suizen, flute, music all afternoon. And maybe morning. It will feel good to crash on my bed tonight with billy. Last night was super high energy and creative writing. Must have been all that non decaf coffee I drank all night and the two small roaches. I could do with more roaches tonight. I have just pilled Billy with his meds against giardia and parasites. Wish us luck so he does not have any bad reactions to it (it is a higher dose than last time).Super hard to pill him tonight for some reason. I will go buy pill pockets tomorrow at the pet shop.