Jennifer has been gone for 10 days only. We are still mourning. So strange to think she wont call again. And we wont zoom with her again. Hubby cries here and there but yesterday he was happy he told me. We are very close since Jennifer's passing. He cooked quiche last night: a total huge success! Delicious! I should make chicken thighs again with peanut butter sauce. We went to eat Thai at my favourite restaurant around here last week end. It was 9pm. 

Man and dogs are taking their time this morning. They have been gone for over an hour. We were told there is an outbreak of bugs for dogs in the Mundy park. This is why Billy keeps getting reinfected...but hubby does not want to stop going there. He's got his nice routine he likes. 

So these three bouquets are : top: for Ross and Jennifer in Takaka, NZ. middle: from me, to hubby, Coquitlam, BC. bottom: From  Yue for Jennifer's passing, Coquitlam, BC. We also got a white bouquet from dad.