...used to tell me she did not love me when I was 5 (which led me to runaway that day in the winter woods. My dad came looking for me), used to tell me she wished my best friends in high school and university were her daughters instead of me and the list goes on my friends. She was so very aweful! For this reason, i am happy to know now, I will have ONLY excellent mothers for ALL my rebirths coming. It is my mother who cost me my mental health. She is one hateful woman. But I forgive her wholeheartedly: she has no talent at Love. And I had my path with crazy wisdom anyway. I remember when my dad came looking for me in the deep winter woods at 5. I hid and let him search for me for a while because i was worried of being beaten or chastised for running away But he was very nice and explained to me that 'coyotes like to eat little children'. My dad was a hero!