I worked really hard in the last few years to write and rewrite my works. My days were 36-48 hours of constant writing. Then I would do business with the printing shop after formatting everything to get it into print. How crazy was I? Genius crazy to the unbeliever. Full of crazy wisdom with love for tibetans. Mentally ill only for those with nothing to learn from me. If you had truly any selfless heart, publishers, you would have published me a long time ago, and talked about mental health a ton to spread the word of mental health issues. But you see the genius perhaps, and need, as I said a BIG BANG because you are full of doubts spiritually. 

Crazy wisdom is wonderful. This world IS crazy, dearest. The ONLY way to make sense of it is to use crazy wisdom. Look around at all the greed that leads the lives of so many people. Look at racism, sexism, rape and torture, cops brutality for no sane reason, wars that benefit no one but the weapon industry: don't you see how CRAZY this world truly is? Crazy wisdom is the cure.