Pretty good overall truly.

But we are all in love with ourselves when we are Dalai lama. Except the 13th, which, hush hush, was a real Buddha and not my Grandpa. Grandpa is the 16th karmapa.He is not named 'The Great 13th' for no reason, I am just now reading about what he did. WOW, I truly believe he was a real Buddha. Never in love with Himself. He is not coming back in the lineage? ah ah ah... Dont worry 14th. We are not buddhas yet! the 13th IS! HH DALAI LAMA 13th said hi to me. He also lived across and was korean. Married to his soul mate, a kickboxing street buddha lady. They have a lab dog and I dont know anything more. They have their copy of a Book of musing which some stupid press thought should not win any prize. Well they are right: whities in Canada would not have bought it.