I REALLY am looking forward to it. I will be ADORED! What a change of childhood. Tibetans I have met have been super superb all along with me. Khenpo is the best and ONLY teacher of buddhism of crazy Lilou. Dad is an ex kisser in india. HHDL is reborn a smart dog. They told me I was glamourous! ah ah ah. They obviously dont know my reputation in Canada, the stupidest country in America. Yes I am dying at some point sooner than you think. Cigarettes will be the cause. I smoke 3-4 packs a day and have been for the last 15 years. I am happy I can say that. I may never be published in stupid Canada where no one cares about Chogyam trungpa's visionary crazy wisdom. But I am at home now. I have written lovely truly LOVELY French poetry and a work of genius in joual. They all thought it was garbage in Quebec. Especially Le Quartanier. Boy it was fun being crazy! And a good writer poet! The kids nuns in India loved The Gigantic bowl. I think we can now see who wrote Le the qui siffle.
The next dalai lama is always crazy in her or his previous life. That is how they know where she or he will be reborn. When it's an excellent one anyway. Joellen is a nice nun in her mind. I was just wondering why she was getting involved. It is sufferings and awakening at the same time that makes one completly nuts. I have been awakening since a baby. Hence, pretty impossible to lead a succesful adult life where I had a job and made cash to sustain my man.