It is 2am. BJG finally went to bed. I woke up at 11:30am yesterday morning so I am not tired. Billy seems to be ok with his cheethos digestion for the rest of the night (he got in the bag when hubby was not looking). I feel a tad excited tonight. Things are good and the shop is gathering some mild interest again. Perhaps the popularity of 2020 will come  back minus all the drug induced scandalous writing? I would like that. 

I have finally put on some music tonight. It is by a tumblr acquaintance who goes by the name of ronald45inchina. His music is technological, experimental and usually very soothing or sometimes haunting. No lyrics ever that I know of but I may be wrong. It is a perfect pitch for 2am in the morning. His music is often very slow and digs and weaves itself into the listener's mind with grace and lenteur.