I just got up: it is 7:30am. Billy violently jumped on me again this morning. Sigh. How uncouth! I had weird dreams all morning. Set in a pool bar. With an old friend from my first year in BA whom I have not spoken to since 2014 at least. There was a pool contest from 11am-3pm. But it seemed to have been 5pm because the old european style bar was empty.
We are having a zoom with my Mom in law tonight at 7pm. Yay! Last time was Dec 26th. She lives in a hospital near her daughter and husband, on the south island of NZ. She was in an excellent not-for-profit care home before then, on the north island. Mail, unfortunately, does not seem to get to her. Nor to her husband. We sent 2-3 packages and letters they never got.
A bird is singing, a chickadee I think. Summer should be nice if there is no heat dome. Spring too. Dawn in the summer is always lovely. This is what i am reminded of this morning with this stubborn bird.