It's a nice day in Vancouver. (Near Vancouver). The sky is foggy as heck. I have submitted five poems to Room magazine in Vancouver. They are quite good I think (at the magazine). I submitted also to Arc magazine about 4 months ago. It would be nice to get a publication: the last ones were in 2014. I went through a period where I did not submit to anyone. 

I will be reading the last issue of Room magazine today.  It came in last week. I submitted Basil on the street for their fiction contest but did not win. I was a finalist for their art cover contest in 2018 with a watercolour I had done. Some art student won. 

I hope the dogs are not waiting too long while BJG gets his third shot. Foolishly no doubt, I am often worried we will get them stolen so I ask hubby to lock the car (which he often does not do). Billy is so cute! And so is Whiskey.